2021 Sprockids registration is open.


Link to 2021 Sprockids registration

Juventus is committed to adhering to all AHS Covid guidelines as they evolve.

The following rules may apply to the 2021 session:

1. Small groups of children, no more than 6 per group with one instructor and one parent volunteer.

2. Staggered start times for each group, approximately 15 minutes apart to minimize large gatherings.

3. Instructors to carry with them a mask, gloves and hand sanitizer prepared for any event requiring close contact with a child (e.g., in the case of a mechanical problem or first aid event).

4. All participants will be directed and encouraged to maintain a social distance of 2 metres, with demonstrations and reminders provided. This rule will be incorporated in their instruction.

5. Proper masking may be required for all participants when not riding.

6. Prior to each session a symptom and exposure checklist will be completed.

Posted on February 15, 2021 .