Register for 2020 Sprockids now!!
Sprockids have their own separate Sprockids workspace on Slack. All Sprockidss members receive an invite and can keep up to date with ride times, announcements, and the parent assistant schedule by using the mobile or desktop app. Be sure to accept your invitation and turn Slack notification ON to receive the latest info. 2020 Sprockids runs April 25th - June 20th.
Helmets Must Fit!!!
1. The helmet should fit the head snugly, but comfortably. Use the padding provided to perfect the fit.
2. The helmet should be level, and low on the forehead.
3. If the helmet has an inner adjustment dial, use it to snug the helmet. Keep the inner support under the bulge on the back of head.
4. Adjust the nape strap (from the back of helmet forward to the ear) so the buckle sits just below the ear, on the jaw hinge.
5. Adjust the front strap to meet the buckle location of the nape strap. The helmet remains level.
6. Adjust the chin strap. The mouth should be able to open. The buckle should be under the chin.
7. Once the helmet is adjusted, you may need to trim the chin strap. You can use a match flame to seal the raw cut.